Exciting medical news! Fountain Life, a health tech company, uses AI to detect heart attack risk YEARS before symptoms appear! The AI coronary artery scan helps catch pre-symptomatic heart conditions, revolutionizing prevention. Learn how this game-changing technology works!
Catching Silent Heart Attacks: Fountain Life offers an AI coronary artery scan that detects heart attack risk without symptoms! The simple outpatient procedure takes less than an hour, providing a complete artery health picture. Stay ahead of heart issues with this groundbreaking tech!
The Power of AI: Fountain Life's AI analyzes heart scan results, spotting plaque even humans can't see! Detecting uncalcified (high-risk) plaque can prevent rupture and reverse heart disease. Embrace proactive health measures and stay ahead with this incredible AI innovation!
Accessible & Affordable: Fountain Life's AI coronary artery scan offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional cath labs! Now, this life-saving tech is expanding to Android users, pre-orders available! Revolutionize your heart health with this cutting-edge AI technology!
A Breakthrough in Prevention: Fountain Life aims to shift healthcare from reactive to proactive with AI! Early-stage biomarkers can detect diseases before symptoms appear, enabling timely intervention. Embrace this medical innovation and live life to the fullest with AI-driven prevention!