Getty's new AI generator: A revolution in image creation?

6 min read Getty Images' new AI generator uses their extensive library of licensed images to create fresh visuals. What's unique? You won't have copyright worries when using these generated images for commercial purposes. September 26, 2023 06:01 Getty's new AI generator: A revolution in image creation?

Getty Images, a leading stock photo agency, has recently launched a new AI generator that is trained only on its licensed images. This is a significant development in the field of generative AI, as it means that users can create and use images generated by the tool without having to worry about copyright infringement.

The AI generator, called Generative AI by Getty Images, is powered by Nvidia's Edify model. It can be used to create a wide variety of images, including realistic photos, illustrations, and abstract art. Users can simply type in a description of what they want to see, and the generator will create an image that matches their prompt.

Getty says that it is committed to compensating the creators of the images that were used to train its AI generator. The company will pay creators if it uses their AI-generated image to train the current and future versions of the model. It will also share revenues generated from the tool with creators, "allocating both a pro rata share in respect of every file and a share based on traditional licensing revenue."

The launch of Getty's AI generator has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and use images. It could make it easier and more affordable for businesses and individuals to create high-quality images for their websites, marketing materials, and other creative projects.

Here are some of the potential benefits of Getty's AI generator:

  • Increased creativity: AI generators can help users to come up with new and innovative ideas for images.
  • Reduced costs: AI generators can help businesses to save money on photography and design costs.
  • Improved efficiency: AI generators can help users to create images more quickly and easily.
  • Expanded access: AI generators can make it possible for more people to create high-quality images, regardless of their skills or experience.

However, there are also some potential challenges associated with AI generators. For example, they can sometimes generate images that are inaccurate or misleading. Additionally, there is the potential for AI generators to be used to create counterfeit or deepfake images.

Overall, Getty's AI generator is a promising new technology with the potential to revolutionize the way we create and use images. It is important to be aware of the potential challenges associated with AI generators, but the potential benefits are significant.

Here are some examples of how Getty's AI generator could be used:

  • A marketing agency could use the generator to create custom images for its clients' social media campaigns.
  • A website designer could use the generator to create unique images for their clients' websites.
  • A small business owner could use the generator to create professional-looking images for their product listings.
  • A student could use the generator to create images for their school projects.
  • An artist could use the generator to experiment with new ideas and techniques.

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