Google Expands Data Access for Researchers Studying Systemic Content Risks in EU

2 min read Google steps up transparency! More ad info for EU users and expanded data access for researchers studying content risks. These moves align with the Digital Services Act, showcasing commitment to compliance. August 28, 2023 06:16 Google Expands Data Access for Researchers Studying Systemic Content Risks in EU

Google steps up its EU game with more transparency and action! It's enhancing ad info for users and extending data access to researchers, all in line with the Digital Services Act (DSA). Compliance mode on! 

The DSA clock is ticking! As a deadline looms for major platforms, Google joins the DSA dance. TikTok, Meta, and Snap already shared their moves. Big fines await rule-breakers, but everyone's getting more transparent. 

Google's sharing the spotlight and making its transparency efforts shine brighter. It's expanding the Ads Transparency Center and offering more info on ad targeting in the EU. Better ad insights, here we come! 

Researchers, rejoice! Google's opening the doors wider for data access. Now, experts can delve into how Google's services work and analyze systemic content risks in the EU. Data insights for a better online world! 

DSA's not just about ads—it's about accountability! Google's taking steps to boost transparency in content moderation, offer multiple user contact options, and enhance reporting processes. Stay responsible, stay compliant! 

Google's writing a new chapter in transparency with its fresh Transparency Center. Policies, reporting tools, and more at your fingertips. Plus, it's expanding Transparency Reports to cover content moderation on various services.

Google's DSA journey doesn't end here! It's assessing risks, sharing insights, and aligning with EU demands. As the DSA expands to more platforms, transparency and algorithmic auditing will light the path

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