Google Workspace Gets New AI-Powered Security Features

2 min read Google ramps up security in Workspace with AI-powered upgrades. Aligning with zero trust and data loss prevention, Drive gains automated data classification and risk-based controls. Gmail gets enhanced DLP to prevent unintended sensitive data sharing. August 24, 2023 07:31 Google Workspace Gets New AI-Powered Security Features

Google prioritizes data security as companies shift to the cloud, unveiling enhancements to Google Workspace products like GMail and Drive. These upcoming updates, driven by AI, aim to bolster security measures.

Google emphasizes the zero-trust model, combining it with data loss prevention (DLP) concepts. AI-driven enhancements in Drive automatically classify sensitive data and apply appropriate risk-based controls.

Enhanced DLP controls are also heading to Gmail, allowing administrators to prevent accidental attachment of sensitive information, further enhancing security policies. Admins can disable downloads or copy-paste for these documents. 

Location and context-aware controls are key. Google introduces criteria-based sharing rules in Drive, ensuring sensitive data is shared only under specific conditions, enhancing data protection.

AI aids administrators in scanning log data for data breaches and abnormal behaviors. Suspicious actions in Gmail that could indicate unauthorized access are also being monitored.

Client-side encryption gets a boost, expanding to mobile versions of Gmail, Calendar, Meet, and more Workspace tools. Customers control encryption keys, ensuring data remains private, even from Google's view. 

Google continues innovation, allowing customers to choose where to process their data, initially offering the EU and the United States. These updates reflect Google's commitment to data security and privacy in the evolving digital landscape. 

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