India Unveils World's First AI-Powered Anti-Drone System

6 min read Hyderabad's Grene Robotics introduces Indrajaal, a cutting-edge autonomous anti-drone system powered by AI. It's a wide-area Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System, capable of safeguarding vital installations and even entire cities from various drone threats. September 04, 2023 07:24 India Unveils World's First AI-Powered Anti-Drone System

A Hyderabad-based robotics firm has unveiled a state-of-the-art autonomous anti-drone system, powered by artificial intelligence. The system, called Indrajaal, is said to be the world's only wide-area Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS). It can protect not just vital installations like nuclear installations and oil rigs, but also a wide area encompassing even an entire city, from multiple drones of any kind.

Indrajaal uses a LEGO-like combination mechanism that offers 12 unique layers of technology powered by artificial intelligence. This allows it to detect, identify, classify, track, and neutralize threats in real time. The system is designed to defend against all classes and levels of autonomous drones over an area of 4,000 square kilometres.

The system has been demonstrated live on the outskirts of Hyderabad and has been praised by experts for its versatility and effectiveness. Lieutenant General Gurmit Singh, the Governor of Uttarakhand, who served as the Deputy Chief of Army Staff from 2014 to 2016, sees Indrajaal as a "futuristic solution" to India's security challenges.

"We will never forget the June 27, 2021 drone attack on the Jammu airport and the June 15 Galwan attack. At that time, we wondered what solution we had against drones and swarms. Today, Indrajaal has given us the answer and shown that it is possible," he said.

The makers of Indrajaal are confident that their system can protect large defence bases, areas like the National Capital Region (NCR) that has several critical buildings, international borders, and prevent attacks during VIP movement or huge crowds, against UAVs, low radar cross-section (RCS) missiles, smart munitions, and even swarm drones.

They also believe that the system can be used to protect critical infrastructure from other threats, such as natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

Indrajaal is a significant development in the field of C-UAS and could play a major role in protecting India's security in the years to come.

Here are some of the key features of the Indrajaal anti-drone system:

  • It is the world's only wide-area C-UAS system.
  • It can protect an area of up to 4,000 square kilometres.
  • It can detect, identify, classify, track, and neutralize threats in real time.
  • It is powered by artificial intelligence.
  • It is designed to defend against all classes and levels of autonomous drones.
  • It is cost-effective.

The Indrajaal anti-drone system is a major development in the field of C-UAS and could play a major role in protecting India's security in the years to come. It is a versatile and effective system that can be used to protect a wide range of critical assets from a variety of threats.

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