The Case for AI Regulation: Microsoft President Brad Smith's Call to Action

2 min read Microsoft's President, Brad Smith, stresses the importance of AI regulation and extends support to lawmakers. His message echoes in Brussels after his impactful address in Washington. June 29, 2023 09:55 The Case for AI Regulation: Microsoft President Brad Smith's Call to Action

Microsoft's President, Brad Smith, is emphasizing the need for AI regulation and offering assistance to lawmakers. He recently reiterated this message in Brussels, following his earlier address in Washington. 

Alongside Elon Musk, Smith is actively engaging with regulators and policymakers to shape AI regulations. This move comes as OpenAI's ChatGPT garners significant public interest and sparks discussions about AI's impact. 

Big Tech companies, including Microsoft, have been providing input on AI regulation to help mitigate its impact on their businesses. Collaboration between tech giants and regulators is essential for effective governance of AI. 

The European Union is leading the way with its AI Act, a groundbreaking set of rules that may set the standard for other nations. Smith expressed Microsoft's commitment to contribute constructively and align its five-point blueprint for AI governance with the EU's proposed legislation.

Smith also emphasized the importance of global cooperation on AI governance, urging the EU, the United States, G7 countries, India, and Indonesia to work together based on shared values and principles. Collective efforts can ensure responsible and ethical AI development. 

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