The Rise of ChatGPT: How Students and Parents Embrace AI Over Traditional Tutoring

2 min read Exciting survey results from reveal a growing preference for ChatGPT over human tutors among students and parents! AI-powered learning is gaining popularity as an effective study tool. May 30, 2023 07:32 The Rise of ChatGPT: How Students and Parents Embrace AI Over Traditional Tutoring

Exciting findings from a survey by! Students and parents are increasingly favoring studying with ChatGPT over human tutors. 

85% of students who used both ChatGPT and traditional tutoring sessions found ChatGPT more effective as a learning tool. Similarly, 96% of parents believe studying with ChatGPT yields better outcomes for their children. 

The confidence in ChatGPT has led to a significant shift, with 39% of students and 30% of parents completely replacing their tutoring sessions with this AI-powered platform. 

Parents appreciate ChatGPT's error-correction capability, providing a more accurate learning experience for their children. Students also prefer using the software for oral practice, resulting in improved outcomes. 

Despite its popularity, experts caution that ChatGPT is not a complete substitute for human tutors. Good prompts and background knowledge are crucial for effective results. A human tutor's expertise in teaching topics, assessing grasp, and providing tailored examples is invaluable. 

The survey involved 3,017 students and 3,234 parents, with almost all students substituting tutoring sessions with ChatGPT. 95% of respondents witnessed academic improvement after integrating ChatGPT into their study routine.

While ChatGPT offers clear benefits, it's essential to remember that human tutors provide structure, personalized feedback, and expertise in standardized tests and teachers' expectations. A combination of both can lead to effective learning.

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