TikTok is testing AI-generated search results

9 min read TikTok is expanding beyond viral dances, venturing into the realm of AI with tests on AI-generated search results within its app. This development coincides with Google I/O's emphasis on AI and the fierce competition among tech titans for AI supremacy. May 14, 2024 07:24 TikTok is testing AI-generated search results

The social media giant, TikTok, isn't just about viral dances anymore. They're wading into the AI game by testing AI-generated search results within their app! This news surfaces alongside Google I/O's focus on AI and the ongoing battle for AI dominance between tech giants.

A New Way to Search on TikTok

Traditionally, TikTok searches relied on keywords and user-generated content. Now, they're experimenting with a new feature called "search highlights." These highlights appear at the top of search results and are snippets of information generated by artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT at the Helm

The AI powering these "search highlights" is none other than ChatGPT, a popular AI model from OpenAI. When TikTok deems it relevant, your search query might be met with an AI-generated summary at the top of the results page, providing a quick and concise answer.

Not All Sunshine and Rainbows

This is still an early-stage experiment, and not all searches trigger AI-generated highlights. Additionally, some highlights lack a clear source – it's unclear if they summarize existing TikTok videos or come from elsewhere.

A Step Towards a More Comprehensive TikTok?

This foray into AI-powered search suggests TikTok's aspirations to become more than just a platform for entertainment. They seem to be aiming to become a one-stop shop for information, potentially rivalling established search engines like Google.

The Ever-Evolving AI Landscape

The integration of AI-generated search results in TikTok adds another layer to the ongoing AI revolution. With Google I/O showcasing advancements and Apple rumored to be incorporating a chatbot, it's clear that AI is transforming how we interact with technology.

The Future of Search?

Whether AI-generated search highlights become a mainstay on TikTok and how they evolve remains to be seen. However, this development signifies a potential shift in how we search for information on social media platforms. It will be interesting to see if other social media giants follow suit.

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