Transparency Matters: EU Commissioner Calls for Clear Labels on AI-generated Content

3 min read The European Union is pushing for deepfakes and AI-generated content to be labeled by signatories of its Code of Practice on Online Disinformation. This step enhances transparency and safeguards users from manipulated content. June 07, 2023 06:30 Transparency Matters: EU Commissioner Calls for Clear Labels on AI-generated Content

 Exciting developments in the fight against online disinformation! The European Union is urging signatories to its Code of Practice on Online Disinformation to label deepfakes and other AI-generated content. This move aims to increase transparency and protect users from manipulated content.

During a recent meeting with the Code's signatories, EU Commissioner Vera Jourova highlighted the risks associated with advanced AI technologies. She emphasized the need for measures to recognize and label AI-generated content, including deepfakes.

The EU intends to introduce a dedicated track within the Code to address AI-generated disinformation. Discussions will focus on integrating necessary safeguards into generative AI services and implementing technology to recognize and label such content.

Commissioner Jourova mentioned that Google has developed technology to detect AI-generated text content and is working on improving its capabilities. The EU encourages platforms to adopt clear and fast labeling for deepfakes and other AI content to ensure user awareness.

The European Commission is prioritizing the protection of freedom of speech while addressing the challenges posed by AI-generated content. Labelling AI-produced content is seen as a crucial step in upholding transparency and accountability in online platforms. 

 In addition to labeling requirements, the Commission expects signatories to report AI-generated disinformation risks next month. This will help inform the public about the safeguards in place to prevent the misuse of generative AI for spreading disinformation.

The Code of Practice on Online Disinformation currently has 44 signatories, including major tech players like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. While Twitter recently withdrew from the voluntary Code, efforts to combat disinformation remain a priority for the EU.

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